How to Claim Two Wheeler Insurance After Accident

How to Claim Two Wheeler Insurance After Accident

When you’re involved in a motorcycle accident, after the original feeling of anxiety and confusion settles, you’ll have to concentrate on the coming way to be taken. In line with this, it’s important to stay composed and communicate your insurance agent at the foremost.

At the scene of the Accident

After a two- wheeler accident, look to turn on the peril warning lights and advise of accident business. You should also describe the accident to the police.

Still, you should call an ambulance for medical help, If someone is injured in an accident.

You should also insure that you don’t make any statements to the police, substantiations, other affected parties or insurance adjusters on the concession of guilt. Anyhow of whether the accident was caused by you, you shouldn’t take power for the accident.

Make a note of the names and contact details of other parties and substantiations.
Get a clear idea of how the accidenthappened.However, take photos of the crash point and note down any other information that may feel applicable to you, If possible.

Fault Assessment

Still, your insurance provider may work directly with his/ her insurer for the damage charges, If the other motorist was fully responsible for the accident.

Still, also your insurer may offer you an quantum for the vehicle, less any deductibles, If the damages incurred by your vehicle exceed the limits mentioned in thepolicy.However, you should consider consulting a counsel, If you’re unfit to agree on a figure as write- off.
It’s a good practise to precisely review the accident report generated by your insurer, and their fault assessment documents. This information is generally available online, or can be carried upon request. In case you feel that your insurance company is assigning you the fault of the mishap inaptly, you can raise an expostulation with the insurer and request for are-assessment. Still, you may communicate a counsel, If the insurance provider refuses to recognize this.

Property Damage

Insurance companies generally have a network of authorised garages where the form work after accidents will be done in a dependable and cost-effective manner. You can choose to get your vehicle repaired at such a garage, and mileage the benefits of claim agreement without having to bear the cost of the repairs outspoken.

Network garages also have close ties with the insurer, and you’ll be free from the hassles of claim agreement when you get the form work done there. You’ll be needed to only bear the cost of surpluses and deprecation on the vehicle.
You may also be handed a relief bike by the insurer in the interim.

Still, you can raise a claim from your insurer in case you have comprehensive content, If you’re involved in an accident with an uninsured vehicle. But you should note that you’ll lose the NCB benefit on your policy in the claim process.

Physical Injuries

In the event of an accident, if you have suffered injuries, you can mileage the payment of your hospitalisation bills. This is included as part of the content of a comprehensive two- wheeler insurancepolicy. However, you may be liable to fresh entitlements similar as compensation for endless disability, damages for suffering, If the injury is significant.

How do I Make an Insurance demand on My Bike?

For Third- party Two Wheeler Insurance Accident Claim

In the victim of a third- party bike insurance demand, there can be two circumstances. First, where you’re driving the bike and beget third- party damage. Second, someone additional damages your property or injures you with their two- wheeler. Let us appear at how you can file a demand in both these cases.

Script 1 Filing the claim if you beget the damage

  • When you fill a two wheeler insurance accident claim, make sure you collect all evidence of the damage caused to the third party person, vehicle or property with applicable vids or prints.
  • Make a note of all the necessary details of the third party- their names, phone figures, addresses, etc.
  • See if there are anyeyewitnesses.However, take down their names and contact details as well, If yes.
  • Inform us about the accident at 18002667780 or go to the Claims process runner.
  • Train an FIR at the nearby police station.
  • Train a formal plea with the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Court.
  • Follow the planned action and submit the essential documents.
  • Tell the insurance company of the court’s response and let the insurance company determine the recompense.

Script 2 Filing the claim if you’re affected by the incident

  • Make sure you collect all evidence of the damage caused to the third party person, vehicle or property with applicable vids or prints while filling two wheeler insurance accident claims.
  • Make a note of all the necessary details of the third party- their names, phone figures, addresses,etc.
  • See if there are anyeyewitnesses.However, take down their names and contact details as well, If yes.
  • Train an FIR at the nearby police station.
  • The case will also be taken up by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Court.
  • Be present for the court sessions and submit a dupe of the FIR, needed document, details and evidence of the incident.
  • Present the observers to help you farther present and prove your case.
  • The bench court will assess, authorise and compensate the applicable damages.

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