JEE Advanced Result 2019 after 4 pm

A total number of 161319 candidates appeared in both papers 1 and 2 in JEE (Advanced) 2019. A total of 38705 candidates have qualified JEE (Advanced) 2019. Of the total qualified candidates, 5356 are females. Mr. Gupta Kartikey Chandresh of Ballarpur is the top ranker in Common Rank List (CRL) in JEE (Advanced) 2019. He obtained 346 marks out of 372 marks. Ms. Shabnam Sahay of Madhapur is the top ranked female with CRL 10. She obtained 308 marks out of 372 marks
Following are more details about the qualified candidates:
1. Total number of qualified boys: 33349
2. Total number of qualified girls: 5356
3. Total number of qualified general (GE) candidates: 15566
4. Total number of qualified general (GEN-EWS) candidates: 3636
5. Total number of qualified OBC-NCL candidates: 7651
6. Total number of qualified SC candidates: 8758
7. Total number of qualified ST candidates: 3094
JEE Advanced result 2019:
How to download?
Step 1: Visit the official website,
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link for result
Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page
Step 4: Log-in using credentials
Step 5: Click on ‘scorecard’ in the dashboard
Step 6: Result will appear, download