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Check Your Name In Pradhamantri kisan Sanman Nidhi Yojana
Check Your Name in Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) With a view to augment the income of the Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs), the Government has launched a new Central Sector Scheme, namely, “Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)” in the current financial year.
The PM-KISAN the scheme aims to supplement the financial needs of the SMFs in procuring various inputs to ensure proper crop health and appropriate yields, commensurate with the anticipated farm income at the end of each crop cycle.
This would also protect them from falling in the clutches of moneylenders for meeting such expenses and ensure their continuance in farming activities.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sanman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) is a Central Sector Scheme with 100% funding from the Government of India.
- This scheme is in force from 1.12.2018.
- Under the scheme, all the farming families across the country are given income assistance of Rs.6000 / – per annum in three equal installments of Rs.2000 / – every four months.
- The family definition for the plan is husband, wife and minor children.
- The full responsibility for the identification of the beneficiary farming families rests with the State / UT Governments.
- These funds are transferred directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.
- Farmers covered under the exclusion criteria of the working guidelines are not eligible for the benefit of the scheme.
ખેડૂતો માટે ખુશખબર/ પીએમ કિસાનનો 10મો હપ્તો આ તારીખે આવશે, 2000ની જગ્યાએ હવે ખાતામાં આવશે સીધા 4000 રૂપિયા
જાણો કોણ આનો લાભ લઈ શકે છે
PM Kisan Samman Yojna Online Find List – PM Kisan Samman Yojna Android APP