બેંક ઓફ બરોડા ભરતી 2023, બેંક માં નોકરી લેવાની ઉતમ તક@ bankofbaroda.in

Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 : Bank of Baroda (BOB) has released the latest notification for the recruitment of Acquisition Officers (AO) on contract basis in Wealth Management Services Department. Eligible candidates can apply for this recruitment on time. Get all information of this recruitment today. If we take it into the article, friends, read this article completely
Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023Name of Institution Bank of BarodaPost Name Acquisition Officers (AO)No. of Space 500How to Apply OnlineLast date is March 14, 2023Official website bankofbaroda.in
Total Posts:In this recruitment Bank of Baroda will fill up to 500 vacancies for Acquisition Officers (AO) which candidates should take special note. This can be considered important news for the candidate.
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Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification
Application Fee:For Gen/ OBC/ EWS : 600100 for SC/ST/PWD :Payment Mode : Online
Salary scale :
Metro Cities: Rs. 5 lakhs p.a. (every year)Non-metro cities: Rs. 4 lakhs p.a. (every year)Read the advertisement below for more information
બેંક ઓફ બરોડા ભરતી 2023, બેંક માં નોકરી લેવાની ઉતમ તક@ bankofbaroda.in
How to apply?
Visit the official web siteSelect your application post in itFill the given information in the application form and submitUpload the required documentsPay the feeTake a print of the application form.
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