All Banks check Balance by Missed Call Number: Bank-wise details
Government Banks in India
Let’s start with the query numbers and other details of nationalised banks in India:
1. State Bank of India Bank
Official website | |
Customer care No. | 080-26599990 1800 11 2211 1800 425 3800 |
Missed call Service | Recipient No. |
A/c Balance No. | 09223766666 |
SMS Service | Text to be sent |
SMS Balance query | Type BAL and send to 09223766666 |
Cheque book request | Type CHQREQ and send to 09223588888 |
SBI SMS mini statement | Type MSTMT and sent to 09223866666 |
E-statement of last six months | Type ESTMT Space <A/C No.> Space<4-digit Code> and send to 09223588888 |
Not happy with service facility | Type “UNHAPPY” to 8008202020 |
2. Punjab National Bank (PNB)
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 1800-180-2222 1800-103-2222 |
Missed Call Service | Recipient No. |
For A/c Balance | 1800-180-2223 |
A/c Balance Global User | 120 2303090 |
For Credit Service | Toll-free- 1800 180 2345 Global User- 120 4616200 |
3. Andhra Bank
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 1800-425-1515 |
Missed call Service | Recipient’s no |
A/c Balance | 09223011300 |
Block via call | 1800-425-1515 |
Block via Email | |
Debit card blocking | CARDBLOCK <Space> last 4 digits of A/C No. send it to 56161 |
4. AU Small Finance Bank
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 1800-1200-1200 1800-26-66677 |
Account Balance | 1800 120 2586 |
Mini Statement | 1800 121 2586 |
AU FASTAG balance | 9594 744 440 |
5. Bank of India (BOI)
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 18001031906 1800220229 |
6. Bank of Baroda (BOB)
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 18001027788 (for PMJDY) 18002584455 18001024455 |
Missed Call Service | Recipient’s No. |
Balance Inquiry | 8468001111 |
Mini statement | 8468001122 | |
7. Canara Bank
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 1800-425-0018 |
Missed call facility | Recipient No. |
A/c Balance inquiry | 09015483483 |
Details of last five transactions (English) | 09015734734 |
Details of last five transaction (Hindi) | 09015637637 |
8. Central Bank of India (CBI)
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 1800-22-1911 |
Missed call Service | Recipient’s No. |
Balance Inquiry | 9555244442 |
Mini Statement | 9555144441 |
9. United Bank of India (UBI)
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 1800-345-0345 |
Missed Call Service | Recipient No |
A/c Balance | 09223008586 |
SMS Service | Text format to be sent |
Balance Inquiry | Type UBAL space A/c No. and send to 09223008486 |
Mini statement | Type UMNS space A/c No. and send to 09223008486 |
Cheque status | Type UCSR space cheque No. and send to 09223008486 |
Nearest Bank Branch | Type UBRANCH Space Pincode Space location/city and send to 09223008486 |
10. Axis Bank Limited
Official website | |
Customer Care No. | 1860-419-5555 1860-500-5555 |
Missed Call Service | Recipient’s No. |
Mini statement | 1800-419-6969 |
A/c Balance | 1800-419-5959 |